Monster Kill Count
Saltar para a navegação
Saltar para a pesquisa
Script Lua:
setDefaultTab("Main") local mkPanelname = "monsterKill" if not storage[mkPanelname] then storage[mkPanelname] = { min = false } end local monsterKill = setupUI([[ Panel margin-top:2 height: 115 Button id: resetList anchors.left: parent.left width: 20 height: 17 margin-top: 2 margin-left: 3 text: ! color: red tooltip: Reset Data Button id: showList anchors.right: parent.right width: 20 height: 17 margin-top: 2 margin-right: 3 text: - color: red Label id: title text: Monster Kills text-align: center anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: 20 ScrollablePanel id: content image-source: /images/ui/menubox image-border: 4 image-border-top: 17 showList.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right margin-top: 5 height: 88 padding: 3 vertical-scrollbar: mkScroll layout: type: verticalBox BotSmallScrollBar id: mkScroll anchors.bottom: content.bottom anchors.right: content.right margin-top: 2 margin-bottom: 5 margin-right: 5 ]], parent) monsterKill:setId(mkPanelname) killList = {} local lbls = {} local function toggleWin(load) if load then monsterKill:setHeight(20) monsterKill.showList:setText("+") monsterKill.showList:setColor("green") else monsterKill:setHeight(115) monsterKill.showList:setText("-") monsterKill.showList:setColor("red") end end function refreshMK() if #lbls > 0 and (#killList == #lbls) then local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(killList) do lbls[i].name:setText(k .. ':') lbls[i].count:setText("x"..v) i = i + 1 end else for _, child in pairs(monsterKill.content:getChildren()) do child:destroy() end for k, v in pairs(killList) do lbls[k] = g_ui.loadUIFromString([[ Panel height: 16 margin-left: 2 Label id: name text: anchors.left: parent.left margin-top: 2 text-auto-resize: true font: verdana-11px-bold Label id: count text: anchors.right: parent.right margin-right: 15 text-auto-resize: true color: orange font: verdana-11px-bold ]], monsterKill.content) if lbls[k] then lbls[k].name:setText(k .. ':') lbls[k].count:setText("x"..v) end end end end refreshMK() toggleWin(storage[mkPanelname].min) monsterKill.showList.onClick = function(widget) storage[mkPanelname].min = (monsterKill:getHeight() == 115) toggleWin(storage[mkPanelname].min) end monsterKill.resetList.onClick = function(widget) killList = {} refreshMK() end function checkKill(mode, text) local mobName = nil local reg = { "Loot of a (.*):", "Loot of an (.*):", "Loot of the (.*):","Loot of (.*):"} for x = 1, #reg do _, _, mobName = string.find(text, reg[x]) if mobName then if killList[mobName] then killList[mobName] = killList[mobName] + 1 else killList[mobName] = 1 end refreshMK() break end end end onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos) if channelId == 11 then checkKill(mode, text) end end) onTextMessage(function(mode, text) checkKill(mode, text) end) --- examples NOT NEEDED function getKills(mobName) -- example: warn(getKills("Troll")) if killList[mobName] then return killList[mobName] end return nil end function getDumpAllKills() -- test dump for k, v in pairs(killList) do warn(v .. "x " .. k) end end
Para que a macro funcione corretamente, será necessário:
Inserir a macro em Tolls > Ingame script editor (Caso possua outros scripts, você deverá rolar a barra até o final, saltar alguns espaços e colar o nome em seguida).