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| <h2>
| |
| <span id="Sobre_Montarias" class="mw-headline">Sobre Montarias</span>
| |
| </h2>
| |
| <p>
| |
| O sistema de montarias foi adicionado no <a href="/wiki/Updates/8.7" title="Updates/8.7">Update de Natal 2010</a>.<br />
| |
| </p>
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Você pode ter mais de uma montaria.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Você pode trocar de montaria através da janela de <a href="/wiki/Outfit" class="mw-redirect" title="Outfit">outfits</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Você deve ter uma <a href="/wiki/Premium_Account" class="mw-redirect" title="Premium Account">Premium Account</a> para domar a maioria das criaturas. No entanto, você pode usar o <a href="/wiki/Rented_Horse_(Marrom_Escuro)" title="Rented Horse (Marrom Escuro)">Rented Horse</a> ou qualquer montaria comprada na <a href="/wiki/Store" title="Store">Store</a> sendo <a href="/wiki/Free_Account" title="Free Account">Free Account</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Apertando <kbd style="border: 1px solid #aaa; padding:3px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: white; linear-gradient|top|#eee, #f9f9f9, #eee padding: 0.3em 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 0.85em;">CTRL</kbd>+<kbd style="border: 1px solid #aaa; padding:3px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: white; linear-gradient|top|#eee, #f9f9f9, #eee padding: 0.3em 0.6em; font-family: inherit; font-size: 0.85em;">R</kbd> você pode facilmente montar e desmontar a montaria selecionada.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Todas as montarias fornecem um aumento de +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Você não pode usar montaria em uma <a href="/wiki/Zona_de_Prote%C3%A7%C3%A3o" title="Zona de Proteção">Zona de Proteção</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Se você ficar <a href="/wiki/Invisible" title="Invisible">invisível</a>, <a href="/wiki/Swimming" class="mw-redirect" title="Swimming">nadar</a>, <a href="/wiki/Creature_Illusion" title="Creature Illusion">transformar-se</a>, ou qualquer outra coisa que troque a sua aparência, você será automaticamente desmontado.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Você não pode trocar as cores das montarias.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| Com exceção do <a href="/wiki/Rented_Horse_(Marrom_Escuro)" title="Rented Horse (Marrom Escuro)">Rented Horse</a>, você nunca irá perder uma montaria.
| |
| </li>
| |
| </ul>
| |
| <h3>
| |
| <span id="Estat.C3.ADsticas"></span><span id="Estatísticas" class="mw-headline">Estatísticas</span>
| |
| </h3>
| |
| <table style="width:100%; height:50px; padding:5px 10px; border:1px dashed #CEDFF2; border-radius:12px; background-color:#E8F2F8; margin: 15px auto;">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
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| <td style="width:100%; text-align:left; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;">
| |
| Atualmente existem <b>219</b> montarias, no entanto nem todas podem ser domadas.<br />
| |
| <p>
| |
| Existem atualmente doze categorias de montarias no jogo, algumas montarias entram em mais de uma dessas categorias:
| |
| </p>
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>48</b> montarias domáveis.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>3</b> montarias customizáveis.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>1</b> montaria de aluguel.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>1</b> montaria que pode ser obtida através da <a href="/wiki/Tibiadrome" title="Tibiadrome">Tibiadrome</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>15</b> montarias que podem ser obtidas em <a href="/wiki/Eventos_e_Festividades" title="Eventos e Festividades">Eventos</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>1</b> montaria que pode ser obtida através de <a href="/wiki/Hunting_Tasks" title="Hunting Tasks">Hunting Tasks</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>4</b> montarias que podem ser obtidas em <a href="/wiki/Invas%C3%B5es" title="Invasões">Invasões</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>10</b> montarias que podiam ser obtidas em <a href="/wiki/Ofertas_Especiais" title="Ofertas Especiais">Ofertas Especiais</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>32</b> montarias que podem ser obtidas em <a href="/wiki/Quest" class="mw-redirect" title="Quest">Quests</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>142</b> montarias que podem ser compradas através da <a href="/wiki/Store" title="Store">Store</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>2</b> montarias que podiam ser obtidas através de <a href="/wiki/Torneios" title="Torneios">Torneios</a>, passaram a ser montarias da <a href="/wiki/Store" title="Store">Store</a>.
| |
| </li>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <b>7</b> montarias que podem ser obtidas através de <a href="/wiki/Mini_World_Changes" title="Mini World Changes">Mini World Changes</a> ou <a href="/wiki/World_Changes" title="World Changes">World Changes</a>.
| |
| </li>
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| </ul>
| |
| </td>
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| </tr>
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| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| <h3>
| |
| <span id="Domando_uma_Montaria" class="mw-headline">Domando uma Montaria</span>
| |
| </h3>
| |
| <p>
| |
| Se você encontrar ou comprar um dos <a href="/wiki/Itens_de_Domar" title="Itens de Domar">itens de domar</a>, fale com o NPC <a href="/wiki/Lothar" title="Lothar">Lothar</a> ele irá te dar informações sobre quais criaturas podem ser domadas usando tal item. Os <a href="/wiki/Itens_de_Domar" title="Itens de Domar">itens de domar</a> podem ser dropados de diferentes criaturas existentes no <a href="/wiki/Tibia" title="Tibia">Tibia</a>, através de <a href="/wiki/Quest" class="mw-redirect" title="Quest">Quests</a> ou <a href="/wiki/World_Changes" title="World Changes">World Changes</a>.
| |
| </p>
| |
| <table style="width:100%; height:50px; padding:5px 10px; border:1px dashed #CEDFF2; border-radius:12px; background-color:#E8F2F8; margin: 15px auto;">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
| |
| <td style="width:100%; text-align:left; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;">
| |
| <img alt="Achievement.gif" src="/images/f/ff/Achievement.gif" decoding="async" width="28" height="28" /> Após domar ou comprar a sua primeira montaria, você receberá o achievement <b>“<a href="/wiki/Natural_Born_Cowboy_(Achievement)" title="Natural Born Cowboy (Achievement)">Natural Born Cowboy</a>”</b>.
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| <h2>
| |
| <span id="Montarias" class="mw-headline">Montarias</span>
| |
| </h2>
| |
| <table class="tabela-abas" style="width:95%; margin:0px auto;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Aluguel">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Rented Horse (Marrom).gif" src="/images/thumb/c/c5/Rented_Horse_%28Marrom%29.gif/50px-Rented_Horse_%28Marrom%29.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/c/c5/Rented_Horse_%28Marrom%29.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Aluguel
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Arenas">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Phant (Mount).gif" src="/images/thumb/4/47/Phant_%28Mount%29.gif/50px-Phant_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/4/47/Phant_%28Mount%29.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Arenas
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Customizaveis">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Krakoloss.gif" src="/images/thumb/b/b7/Krakoloss.gif/50px-Krakoloss.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/b/b7/Krakoloss.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Customizáveis
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Domaveis">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Donkey.gif" src="/images/thumb/2/24/Donkey.gif/50px-Donkey.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/2/24/Donkey.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Domáveis
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Eventos">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Cold Percht Sleigh.gif" src="/images/thumb/3/30/Cold_Percht_Sleigh.gif/50px-Cold_Percht_Sleigh.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/3/30/Cold_Percht_Sleigh.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Eventos
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Invasoes">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Draptor (Mount).gif" src="/images/thumb/b/b5/Draptor_%28Mount%29.gif/50px-Draptor_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/b/b5/Draptor_%28Mount%29.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Invasões
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Ofertas">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Benevolent Coral Rhea.gif" src="/images/thumb/c/c1/Benevolent_Coral_Rhea.gif/50px-Benevolent_Coral_Rhea.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/c/c1/Benevolent_Coral_Rhea.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Ofertas
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Quests">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Phantasmal Jade.gif" src="/images/thumb/7/7f/Phantasmal_Jade.gif/50px-Phantasmal_Jade.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/7/7f/Phantasmal_Jade.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Quests
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Store">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Icebreacher.gif" src="/images/thumb/0/02/Icebreacher.gif/50px-Icebreacher.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/0/02/Icebreacher.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Store
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_Torneios">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Cerberus Champion.gif" src="/images/thumb/0/0d/Cerberus_Champion.gif/50px-Cerberus_Champion.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/0/0d/Cerberus_Champion.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Torneios
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Montarias_de_World_Changes">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Crystal Wolf (Mount).gif" src="/images/thumb/f/f2/Crystal_Wolf_%28Mount%29.gif/50px-Crystal_Wolf_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" srcset="/images/f/f2/Crystal_Wolf_%28Mount%29.gif 1.5x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| World Changes
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
| |
| </table>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td class="mostrar-aba" style="width:16.6%;" data-aba="Todas">
| |
| <table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
| |
| <tbody>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem">
| |
| <img alt="Tibian Book 1.gif" src="/images/thumb/e/e8/Tibian_Book_1.gif/35px-Tibian_Book_1.gif" decoding="async" width="35" height="35" srcset="/images/thumb/e/e8/Tibian_Book_1.gif/53px-Tibian_Book_1.gif 1.5x, /images/e/e8/Tibian_Book_1.gif 2x" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="sec-aba-cem" style="height:30px;">
| |
| Todas
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| </td>
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| </tr>
| |
| </tbody>
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| </table>
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| </td>
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| </tr>
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| </tbody>
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| </table>
| |
| <div id="aba-Montarias_de_Aluguel" class="aba">
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| | |
| <p>
| |
| <span class="titulo-quest"><b>Montaria de Aluguel</b></span>
| |
| </p>
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| <table class="sortable" id="tabelaDPL">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
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| <th>
| |
| Nome
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| </th>
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| <th>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Premium</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Update</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Velocidade</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Método para domar</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td>
| |
| <a href="/wiki/Rented_Horse_(Marrom_Escuro)" title="Rented Horse (Marrom Escuro)">Rented Horse (Marrom Escuro)</a>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| <img alt="Rented Horse (Marrom Escuro).gif" src="/images/b/b7/Rented_Horse_%28Marrom_Escuro%29.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| <img alt="Cross.png" src="/images/4/4e/Cross.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| 9.1
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="44%" style="height:80px">
| |
| Você não pode domar esta montaria, todos os jogadores (inclusive free accounts) podem apenas alugá-la.
| |
| <p>
| |
| Para conseguir essa montaria você deve alugá-la com <a href="/wiki/Palomino" title="Palomino">Palomino</a>, em <a href="/wiki/Thais" class="mw-redirect" title="Thais">Thais</a> ou com <a href="/wiki/Appaloosa" title="Appaloosa">Appaloosa</a>, em <a href="/wiki/Venore" class="mw-redirect" title="Venore">Venore</a>. Você pagará 500 <a href="/wiki/Gp" class="mw-redirect" title="Gp">gp</a> e poderá usar a montaria por 24 horas.
| |
| </p>
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| </td>
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| </tr>
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| </tbody>
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| </table>
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| | |
| </div>
| |
| <div id="aba-Montarias_de_Arenas" class="aba">
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| | |
| <p>
| |
| <span class="titulo-quest"><b>Montaria de Arenas</b></span>
| |
| </p>
| |
| <table class="sortable" id="tabelaDPL">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
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| <th>
| |
| Nome
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| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Premium</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Update</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Velocidade</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Método para domar</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td>
| |
| <a href="/wiki/Phant_(Mount)" title="Phant (Mount)">Phant (Mount)</a>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| <img alt="Phant (Mount).gif" src="/images/4/47/Phant_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| <img alt="Tick.png" src="/images/2/29/Tick.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| 12.70
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="44%" style="height:80px">
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| Pode ser obtida por 8000 Drome Points com os NPCs: <a href="/wiki/Agostina" title="Agostina">Agostina</a>, <a href="/wiki/Alberto" title="Alberto">Alberto</a>, <a href="/wiki/Emilio" title="Emilio">Emilio</a>, <a href="/wiki/Fabiana" title="Fabiana">Fabiana</a> ou <a href="/wiki/Lorenzo" title="Lorenzo">Lorenzo</a>, localizados nas arenas <a href="/wiki/Tibiadrome" title="Tibiadrome">Tibiadrome</a>.
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| <div id="aba-Montarias_de_Customizaveis" class="aba">
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| <p>
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| <span class="titulo-quest"><b>Montarias Customizáveis</b></span>
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| </p>
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| <table class="sortable" id="tabelaDPL">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
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| <th>
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| Nome
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| </th>
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| </th>
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| <th>
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| <small>Premium</small>
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| </th>
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| <th>
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| <small>Update</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
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| <small>Velocidade</small>
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| </th>
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| <th>
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| <small>Método para domar</small>
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| </th>
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| </tr>
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| <tr>
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| <td>
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| <a href="/wiki/Krakoloss" title="Krakoloss">Krakoloss</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Krakoloss.gif" src="/images/b/b7/Krakoloss.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Tick.png" src="/images/2/29/Tick.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
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| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| 12.60
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="44%" style="height:80px">
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| Obtido após matar o boss <a href="/wiki/Tentugly%27s_Head" title="Tentugly's Head">Tentugly’s Head</a>.
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| </td>
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| </tr>
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| <tr>
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| <td>
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| <a href="/wiki/Mutated_Abomination_(Mount)" title="Mutated Abomination (Mount)">Mutated Abomination (Mount)</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Mutated Abomination (Mount).gif" src="/images/f/f5/Mutated_Abomination_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Tick.png" src="/images/2/29/Tick.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| 13.10
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="44%" style="height:80px">
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| Para conseguir essa montaria, você deverá usar a alavanca na sala ao sul do NPC <a href="/wiki/Geoffray" title="Geoffray">Geoffray</a>, no laboratório do Doutor Marrow, após derrotar o boss <a href="/wiki/The_Monster" title="The Monster">The Monster</a>.
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| </td>
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| </tr>
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| <tr>
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| <td>
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| <a href="/wiki/Shellodon" title="Shellodon">Shellodon</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Shellodon.gif" src="/images/1/1e/Shellodon.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Tick.png" src="/images/2/29/Tick.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
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| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| 12.70
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="44%" style="height:80px">
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| Entregue um <a href="/wiki/Eldritch_Crystal" title="Eldritch Crystal">Eldritch Crystal</a> <img alt="Eldritch Crystal.gif" src="/images/1/1e/Eldritch_Crystal.gif" decoding="async" width="32" height="32" /> para o NPC <a href="/wiki/Gnomevisor" title="Gnomevisor">Gnomevisor</a> (O NPC só aceita o item se você já tiver matado o <a href="/wiki/The_Brainstealer" title="The Brainstealer">The Brainstealer</a>).
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| </td>
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| </div>
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| <div id="aba-Montarias_de_Domaveis" class="aba">
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| <p>
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| <span class="titulo-quest"><b>Montarias Domáveis</b></span>
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| </p>
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| <table class="sortable" id="tabelaDPL">
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| <tbody>
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| <tr>
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| <th>
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| Nome
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| </th>
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| <th>
| |
| </th>
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| <th>
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| <small>Premium</small>
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| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Update</small>
| |
| </th>
| |
| <th>
| |
| <small>Velocidade</small>
| |
| </th>
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| <th>
| |
| <small>Método para domar</small>
| |
| </th>
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| </tr>
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| <tr>
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| <td>
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| <a href="/wiki/Black_Sheep_(Mount)" title="Black Sheep (Mount)">Black Sheep (Mount)</a>
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Black Sheep (Mount).gif" src="/images/1/14/Black_Sheep_%28Mount%29.gif" decoding="async" width="64" height="64" />
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| </td>
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| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
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| <img alt="Tick.png" src="/images/2/29/Tick.png" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" />
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| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| 8.7
| |
| </td>
| |
| <td width="10%" style="height:80px">
| |
| +10 de <a href="/wiki/Speed" class="mw-redirect" title="Speed">velocidade</
| |